Stabvest Protector

CI-stickskyddsvast-M COMMANDO

Beskrivning av Stabvest Protector

Knife protector jacket Protector

New knife proof vest that provides protection against stings and cuts and hard punches and kicks and throwing objects. The vest sits comfortably around the body and molds to your body figure!

The vest gives a 360 degree protection around the body for all your sensitive internal organs as well as high protection up towards the shoulders and neck. The front panel and back panel overlap each other at the sides for maximum protection surface. The vest has the same protective surface as our bulletproof vests example.

The vest's fit is set with velcro to fit around the body and fit in height. The vest fits both the normal built in the body and you are strong in your body when the vest fit easily adjustable for different body shapes.

The vest's outer material is made of durable Cordura.

The vest protection plates consisting of metal and composite, and provide effective protection for the wearer.

-Black color.
-Materials: Cordura, metal and composite.
-Weight: About 2kg (XXL vest weighs 2.1kg example).

Size Guide:
-As Such suits size XL one person at 185cm and weight 90kg.
-As Such suit size XXL a person of 1.92 cm and weight of 100kg.

Fredrik Sörensen Ringi frågade 10 months ago
Är denna väst godkänd mot kniv - stick o skär?
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