Tourniquet Orange, Tactig


Beskrivning av Tourniquet Orange, Tactig

Tourniquet Orange, Tactig

Classical tourniquet in orange color to appear well in the dark and in stressful situations. More and more people use the orange color, including the Swedish police and parts of the rescue service.

With this tourniquet, you will quickly and efficiently stop large blood flow in extremities. With a little workout, it can be easily applied with only one hand - which is a prerequisite if one arm is injured and the help is a bit away.
First tighten and fasten with Velcro, then turn the "pin" and create a high pressure above the injured area after which blood flow is stopped.
A stripping dressing should not last longer than 3-4 hours as it may kill on fresh tissue. Therefore, it is equipped with a field to enter the time for when it was applied - so that all persons in the care chain have the right information.

Color: Orange


The use of a stripping dressing should always be seen as the last resort and should only be applied when a severe bleeding can not be stopped in other ways. You should acquire basic knowledge about the circulatory physiology of the body, as well as practice using a narrowing bandage before using this in a sharp situation.


Practicing yourself and others is a prerequisite for successfully applying this in a sharp situation.Do not use a sharp tourniquet as exercise equipment. Instead, buy an extra that you can practice

Fredrik Månsson frågade 4 months ago
Är denna CE-märkt?
Butiken svarade


Den är inte bra och profesionell. Beställ denna istället som är ce märkt.

Mvh, Martin

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