Hibben tactical Bowie knife
United cutlery

Gil Hibben™ Hibben Bowieknife

GH5025 United cutlery

Beskrivning av Gil Hibben™ Hibben Bowieknife

This new Hibben Assault knife combines a unique trigger-grip handle and a powerful fulltang blade to make one functional, tactical knife. It offers a 7 1/2” razor-sharp, 7CR17 stainless steel, clip-point blade and a handle constructed of premium Micarta, nickelsilver pins and a nickel-silver lanyard hole.

The guard, pommel and fittings are cast of stainless steel with a satin finish. This is a unique collectible that should be passed down for many future generations to enjoy. Includes a custom leather belt sheath with the Hibben Custom Design logo stamped right into the leather and a certificate of authenticity.

Mikael frågade 1 month ago
Hur långt är knivbladet
Butiken svarade


- Bladmaterial: 7Cr17 rostfritt stål

- Handtagsmaterial: Micarta

- Total längd: ca. 30,5 cm

- Bladlängd: ca. 19,0 cm

- Inkl. präglat läderslida

- Tillverkarens produktnummer: GH5025

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